Sunday, December 1, 2013

Partying with cats

pfuuuh , this week was so blurry … It feels more like one long day. or one month, depends how you look at it.  a bit dipped in alcohol, but that's not it
On one hand not much happened - not much exploring not many new sights… On the other hand there's a storm in my head, I've been thinking about EVERYTHING (several times)... things shift places with a frightening speed and I am struggling to find balance.  I'm still unsuccessfully trying to meditate...
yes. me. meditate.
Well , since I cannot show you pictures of that , here's what my physical person has been at:

a small wrap-party for the ending of a commercial on Tuesday
 a drawing&drinking party on Wednesday

 again in La Boca at the PROA museum to see the Ron Mueck exhibition  on Saturday

unfortunately this is the only picture I could take, inside was not allowed.
What i was disappointed by is that the clothing is actual fabric, I was expecting it to be also silicone. Otherwise really impressive - the oversized ones(except the chicken)  gave me a strange vertigo feeling.

 …later I was to another party with cats, but it was so dark I couldn't take any pictures

And apropos cats - meet Señor Ignacius :
and Señor Peeti:

 he talks a lot.

One other thing I have to make a note of : the way the lime-trees smell here !!! Excuse me my cheap poetry, but if there's one thing I would like to take with me from BAires (up till now) is this smell

Oh, and yeah! we have a pool now :)

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